NPARC Meeting notes: Monday, August 28, 2017 Time start: 7:30 PM Location: NP Senior Center/Decorso Center, E. 4th St., New Providence, NJ. Attendees: K2AL,KD2CMS,K2EFB,K2EZR,K2GLS,KC2HLA,AE2JP,K2JV,KA2MPG,KC2MTN,KC2OSR,W2PTP,KC2ONL,N2SLS,KC2WUF,K2YG. 1. W2PTP, President, called the meeting to order at 8PM. A) Four of our club members went on trips to see The Great American Eclipse for the total eclipse- K2AL, K2JV, KC2ONL and K2UI. We will have a presentation on their eclipse experiences at the September 11 club meeting. B) Fox Hunt. TCRA is planning a fox hunt. They have invited us to partake in this activity. It has been rescheduled for Sunday, May 20, 2018 in order to allow time to develop and build antennas and attenuators. Eleven NPARC members expressed interest. Please start thinking of partnering with a club member to form teams of two. C) Club Project- Plan is to start building the "Magic Box" tester kits in October. Three club members have ordered kits so far. AE2JP has published the link on the reflector through which the kits can be ordered. AE2JP will assist those in need of help with some minor SMT soldering and KA2MPG sent a post to the club reflector of some links to tutorial videos on Youtube about soldering surface mount components. KD2CMS will also assist in soldering. Some supplies needed: toothbrush, ethyl alcohol and acid brushes. Please relay inquiries regarding this project to AE2JP directly or via the reflector. 2. K2AL gave a presentation on RTTY contesting from Vermont. The rest of the meeting was spent ragchewing, drinking coffee and once again,enjoying Norma Cohen's homebaked goods. Meeting was over by 9:00 Al Hanzl K2AL Secretary, NPARC 9-4-17